Why do we celebrate Birthdays ?

 When I was confused about what to write in this blog, one of my friends asked me why do I even celebrate my birthday? This one question led to numerous questions in my brain, so I'm finally writing about one of the common occasions in every individual's life "BIRTHDAY" well few questions that I chose are Why do we celebrate it? Who started it first? Why do we blow out candles on that day? Let me ask you Why do you think we celebrate our birthdays? 

Why do we celebrate birthdays?

  • Everyone in this world is busy with their own lives and wants a special day which is meant for them. They want to lead that day very happily, then this thing of celebrating their birthday came into the act. Many celebrate it with their family and friends, while very few would like to spend it alone.
  • Celebrating a birthday is also a good thing for healing, where you can find yourself special. it finally relieves you from the stress you had from your life going on and it becomes a happy occasion in life where you can enjoy fully.
  • It's perfect for gatherings, we all miss our families for sure, when we celebrate a birthday as an occasion we invite people over, which make our house full of warmth and happiness. When we laugh, eat and enjoy together we maintain healthy relations with our family, we feel happy and make memories
  • It helps us to realize how far have come in our life and gives us a chance to appreciate the creation of god  

Why do we blow out candles on our birthdays?
 In ancient times, Pagans believed that evil spirits lurked on people who turned a year old, so we blow out candles to respond to the evil and they showed up to communicate with gods. It hasn't always been clear why and how this culture spread though, What do you think about it?

Who started celebrating birthdays first?  

It is assumed that the Greeks adopted the culture of Egyptians to celebrate the birth of a god, while Roman civilization was the first to celebrate the birthday of a common man. 
Everyone now might be habituated to some or other beverages like milk tea, coffee, or any herbal tea. but do you know its origin? who started it first? when did drinking those came into our Indian culture?

                                        THANK YOU


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