
Discover the Ancient Wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

  Have you ever wondered how ancient practices can offer modern-day healing? Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) , practiced for thousands of years, takes a holistic approach to health by focusing on the balance between the body, mind, and environment. Let’s dive into this fascinating world and discover how it can transform your well-being today. What is TCM? Rooted in Chinese philosophy , TCM isn’t just a treatment for ailments—it's a way of life. It’s all about maintaining harmony within the body, a balance that is essential for good health. The key elements? Qi (vital energy) , Yin and Yang , and the Five Elements . But what does all of that actually mean? The Power of Qi: Your Life Force Imagine Qi as the energy that fuels your body. When Qi flows freely, you feel vibrant and healthy. But when it’s blocked or unbalanced, that’s when problems arise. In TCM, restoring the flow of Qi is the first step toward healing. Yin and Yang: The Dance of Opposites Yin and Yang are not just sy...

Women in Power - Her majesty the Empress Liu

  “A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman.” ― Melinda Gates In ancient times, somewhere in the world which is dominated by men, where women are treated as slaves or just as a baby machines. Men in that era were allowed have 3 wives and 4 concubines. In fact it was a matter of pride for man to have more women in his backyard. An era where ordinary women were taught to be obedient and resilient to their husbands. They were brainwashed into believing that their husbands were the superior ones. The kingdom was mighty, and mandate of heaven were strictly followed - The Royalties were supreme. And the number of women the Emperor had ? Nevermind, there is no count. An era where legitimacy and nobility were of utmost importance But she was never ordinary...… Let me narrate a story for you        In that era (mentioned above) lived an orphaned girl named Liu. Since young she was raised by her maternal relatives. She was very skilled at hand drums and bec...

A Glimpse of my Perspective

Greetings  With another comeback I, Shaik Vizdania takes on the convoluted and intriguing topic of Perspective.    Here is glimpse of a world of my own ,the one you may not be familiar with and my perspective of it.  My conscience commands me never to trust information, but to rely on knowledge, and I know better where knowledge resides -- in research. The  History what we read is a bunch of information not the knowledge, yet we still find ourselves believing it ,altering it according to us and spreading it.  Let me show you my own  perspective about   Adolph Hitler .  Don't  worry you are not mistaken and let me show you Why ! Adolph Hitler , the dictator of Germany. Most people call him the most heinous criminal this world has ever known.  Due to  The World War I  , Germany was obligated to sign the  Peace Treaty of Versailles   which made   Germany  even more vulnerable.  A mere human, just...

The Concealed Prodigy - Nikola Tesla

  I am sure that you all might have heard of  Thomas Edison , an American inventor and businessman most known for his invention of lightbulb, telephone , and his development of Direct  Current   (a  current that runs continually in a single direction, like in a battery or a fuel cell. )  But have you heard of a  inventor   ,electrical engineer  , mechanical engineer , and futurist named Nikola Tesla ?  Let me tell you about him Nikola Tesla   ----  Born on 10 July 1856 , Smiljan, Austrian Empire    The current we use in our homes today ,most of the motors we use today, the radio are the creations of this forgotten man  Nikola Tesla made groundbreaking inventions like Alternating Current (a Current that runs in both dire ctions ) A C induction  motors , radio , World wireless system, Tesla valve ,Remote control , Neon lamp , Tesla  coil, Three-phase electric power and Wireless telegraphy In his fami...

Perspective : Don't let it cloud your judgement

“Our environment, the world in which we live and work, is a mirror of our attitudes and expectations.” — Earl Nightingale Greetings         Here I am, Shaik Vizdania with an convoluted yet intriguing topic- Perspective  Ernest Holmes, an American writer once said   “Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.”    What do you think he means ?  He is emphasizing the importance of your point of view.  It is his desire to convey that our views reflect who we truly are . Let me give you a few examples    Empress Wu Zetian , the first and the only emperor of China . She was the empress of Tang dynasty of China which she ruled for over 15 years. She rose from a lowly concubine of Emperor Taizong of Tang China to the Empress of the majestic China. And also she is one of the most misunderstood leader. The Chinese history has portrayed her as an evil and a vicious woman who stole the throne a...

Mechanism of Night Owls

  U sually night owls are those who are habitually active at nights. While early birds are those who follow the rule "early to bed and early to rise".  Why are night owls at disadvantage  ?  Honestly, the timings in this generation whether in school, office or wherever mostly range from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, that the time in which night owls face difficulty while the morning larks are very active. And they mostly have a bad reputation as they are called lazy because they lack energy in the mornings   Biological clock in us  We everyone, every cell in our body has a clock ,a natural timing device in us . They’re composed of specific  proteins   that interact with cells throughout the body.  A master clock in the brain coordinates all the biological clocks in a living thing, keeping the clocks in sync . Types of  Biological clocks Circadian rhythms : It is the 24-hour cycle that includes physiological and behavioral rhythms like sleeping Diu...

The Ring of Fire

  H ave you ever seen an active volcano? Do you know that there are more than 1,500 volcanoes that are active today? yes, you've read the line correctly and an estimated 500 million people live near  these  active volcanoes . Today I would like to share some knowledge about one of the dangerous things on this planet The Ring of Fire. The Ring of Fire is also known as the Circum-Pacific Belt. It is a long path along the pacific ocean surrounded by active volcanoes. Earthquakes occur very often in these areas. Approximately 75% of the world’s volcanoes occur within the Ring of Fire. It encircles many tectonic plates such as the Pacific, Juan de Fuca, Cocos, Indian-Australian, Nazca, North American, and Philippine Plates.  It is  40,000-km (24,900-mile) in length. The number of volcanoes and earthquakes is caused by the movement of tectonic plates. These areas are mostly bounded by volcanoes thus this region is called "The Ring of Fire". Major volcanic events that ...